Goma Wakame
Processes – The seaweed is harvested and blanched to preserve its freshness. The seaweed is then sorted through to ensure only the best seaweed is selected. The seaweed is then shredded and mixed with a delicious sesame dressing.
Ingredients – Seaweed, sesame..
Health benefits – seaweed packs a powerhouse of micronutrients. It contains a high amount of vitamins B, A, C, E and K. In addition, it is one of the very few non-animal sources of B12, which makes it a perfect addition for those who eat little to no meat.
Goma Wakame
History – The origin of goma wakame is not known. Many believe it to have been created by Japanese restaurants in Europe. Seaweed was first consumed in Japan at least 1500 years ago, according to early written records. During the Asuka Era (600-700 AD) and Nara Era (700-800 AD) seaweed was only consumed by the Japanese aristocracy. Until the Middle Ages there was only wild seaweed, which limited it as a food source.
Serving suggestions – Simply defrost our Goma Wakame and enjoy as a side dish. Alternatively Goma Wakame can be enjoyed with sushi or as a topping for Poke.
Consistency –
Goma Wakame
What is Goma wakame?
Goma Wakame is a very popular japanese seaweed salad with sesame. Goma Wakame is served as a side dish for various Japanese dishes.
Like all algae, Wakame provides a remarkable amount of protein, vitamin A, C, E, and B6. The vitamin B12 content of Wakame algae in particular is even higher than that of meat. Wakame also contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, meaning that algae is an important food, especially for vegans, and can help prevent possible deficiency symptoms.